The picture of perfection. Photo taken last week by Sigrid Southworth in Punchbowl Cemetery.
August 26, 2021
Thank you for helping us help our Kolea by participating in this citizen science project of monitoring Hawaii’s Pacific Golden Plovers. For the latest news on July and August Kolea returns, as well as other happy bird news, see today’s post at susanscott.net/beacons-of-light-during-dark-times-kolea-manu-o-ku-and-8-million-seabirds-saved/
Please record your Kolea’s return date, and anything else you would like to share about your bird, in the REPORT tab here at koleacount.org
Counting Kolea is a good reason during these challenging times to walk through one of Hawaii’s many parks, cemeteries, campuses, or other open areas. Get out to see and celebrate these marvelous native birds that have learned to live with us. Sign up for a winter count at bit.ly/2BFwVXG It’s OK to sign up for an area already marked as taken (the more data the better) but we’re looking for counters in as many places as possible.
Try branching out from home territory and explore your island. I did that last season and even after living on Oahu for four decades, I discovered parks and golf courses new to me. It’s fun, easy, and for a good cause. See the GUIDELINES tab for details about the count.
The Kolea and I thank you for your continued support.
Susan Scott, Kolea Count project manager